It drives me nuts when people are like: “Oh my gosh Kristin, you’re totally obsessed with The Pioneer Woman.” And I’m like: “listen Debbie, Karen & Judy. Just because I watch her on TV, follow her on all social media accounts, make her meals religiously, am curious about what she’s up to every day of her life, have written her 60-70 handwritten fan-mail letters, googled her phone number & call her Ree while referring to her, does NOT mean there’s an obsession.” Seriously, jeez. The term “obsessed” is used so loosely nowadays….
On an unrelated side note, I’ve been eyeing these Pioneer Woman bread boxes at Walmart for weeks. No, for months! Problem is, we don’t keep bread in the house long enough to warrant a bread box. One loaf only lasts us a day or two, so there’s no worry about the bread going bad or needing a long-term storage solution for it. Until, I decided to utilize it for another purpose! Now a messy, all over the counter, makes-me-crazy-daily problem is now solved! May I present:
🥁 (drum roll please) 🥁
The Pioneer Woman Bread Box Turned Charging Station
Super simple supply list:
Bread Box, Foam Craft Board, Cute Scrapbook Paper, Clear Tape and a Power Strip.
Measure the inside of your bread box and cut a piece of foam board to fit snuggly inside.

I chose to cover my foam board with cute – somewhat matchy to the floral design on the front of the box – scrapbook paper I had in my supply. But, wallpaper, wrapping paper, washi tape or even painting the foam board would work!
Once your foam piece is cut and covered, you will need to drill a hole (or, in my case, 3 holes because I had a 1″ spade drill bit and honestly was too lazy to look for anything else) in the back of the bread box to allow the power strip to be plugged in from behind.
Once you have all of your charging cords plugged in and pushed back, cut small squares from the bottom of your foam board to allow the cords to easily pop through. I only cut 4 because typically we don’t have more than 4 devices charging at the same time. Next, just push your foam board cover in the front to cover all the messy cord crap in the back!
It really is such a cute and decorative way to clean up your counter space and downsize the cluttered look of all those charging cords!
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