Crap I've Made

DIY Lava Lamps

This Science Experiment is totally groovy! It was fun, educational and simple.

Gather your supplies:

Container – I used Downey UnStoppable laundry bottles, but a water bottle, soda bottle, mason jar would work. Really anything as long as it’s tall, clear and clean!

Effervescent Tablets (AKA Alka-Seltzer), Food Coloring, Vegetable Oil and Water.

  1. Fill your container 3/4 of the way full of vegetable oil (may be simpler to use a funnel here).
  2. Add about 20 drops of food coloring to 1 cup water.
  3. Using the funnel, pour water into container.
  4. Take 1 effervescent tablet and break into 4 pieces. Drop pieces into bottle.

The Science Behind It:

The water is more dense than the oil, so the water sinks. The tablets release carbon dioxide which forms the bubbles that rise through the water and oil, creating the “Lava” effect.

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