If counter space is a concern for you, but you still want to have plants in your kitchen windows … just hang ’em!

If you have been following along with me and my crazy house projects, you already know I have a thing for plants. Fresh and faux. I can’t get enough! I have so many plants, I was finding it hard to place them all properly in front of the windows. That’s when I decided to construct a Plant Rack. Using a sturdy brass curtain rod I saved from a neighbor’s trash pile, I made a place for my sweet lil’ kitchen plants to hang unobtrusively.

I love using fresh herbs while preparing meals. And I love to look at fresh herbs. And smell them. They are simply lovely in food and decor. Most especially in the Spring in Ohio when it snows on your perfectly fine spring vibes and you are craving GREEN!

I have tried a few methods for the actually hanging of the pots on the rod over the years and the one I found best was using large garden S-Hooks (pried open to fit around the width of the curtain rod) and simple twine macrame plant hanging pieces. If making your own macrame hangers isn’t for you, you can order similar twine hangers here. I used the large rings and S-Hooks pictured above the first spring after the rack was constructed, and it worked, but was hard to not spill the dirt a bit while watering due to the plants hanging. The twine hanging method ensures the plants are straight and makes it a little less messy. And of course, I believe adding a sign to any decor really seals the deal on cuteness. Plus, maybe if I ask nicely, they will live for a really long time?! (A girl can dream, right?) Never underestimate the power of politeness, people!

PS – do you like my indoor window awning? It was also a super simple and super inexpensive DIY you can read all about here. I think my windows look like a spot in a flower market!
If you like this project, follow along with me on IG @perfectlydestressed
I am always up to something!
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