Thanks to all this extra time we’ve had on our hands lately, we moved a few gardens around in our backyard and created a Monarch Butterfly Waystation. To have a recognized Waystation, you simply need to add milkweeds and nectar sources to existing gardens or maintain natural habitats with milkweeds. That’s it! You can register your own Monarch Waystation habitat once you meet all the requirements at Monarch Watch here:

We decided to add a bit of a Science/Biology Lesson into it all since the kids have been practicing School at Home, by ordering our own Caterpillars and watching them advance through their 4 life stages and then releasing the butterflies into our backyard garden. The kids are truly hoping to see our sweet butterflies again.

While having our own Butterfly Waystation is certainly a cool and fun addition to our backyard, it’s certainly not necessary to growing your own caterpillars or simply planting plants that butterflies enjoy. There are many companies that help you bring nature indoors. We ordered our caterpillars from Insect Lore and we were very pleased with the caterpillars. There were 5 caterpillars in a cup. We ordered 2 cups and have 10 healthy, happy and alive caterpillars we are observing and learning from!
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