DIY Butterfly/Hummingbird Feeder

Of course, we crafted a little feeder to go into the garden when the time comes (and the snow stops falling). It was made simply with a standard-size mason jar, a canning jar lid and ring, a small 7″ grapevine wreath and some sisal rope. This is not only great for Butterfly Gardens, but really any place you are hoping to attract a beautiful butterfly or hummingbird.

Drill or use a hammer and nail to pound a hole into the lid. Cut a 1″ strip off of the sponge and push it through the hole of the lid.
Add water and sugar (9 parts water to 1 part sugar) to your jar and seal the lid. I suggest not using any food coloring as I’ve read it’s not healthy for hummingbirds.

Knot and attach 3 strips of sisal rope cut the same length (mine are approx. 24″ each) in a triangle around the grapevine wreath. Gather the rope and knot them together at the other end. Slip the jar upside-down into the wreath until it’s a snug fit.
Hang in your garden, on a tree, off your deck – wherever you hope to see some beautiful flying friends!

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