Moms! Are you listening? I have a LIFE CHANGING tip for you!
Okay, maybe not life changing, but seriously, it works and is practically free to make. Continue reading to become a better mother 😆
“It’s my turn!” “I want to go first!” “Why can’t I ever be first?” “I want it now!” “Who gets to go first?” “Can I go next?” “Whhhhhyyyyyy?”
Any mother can relate to these phrases ⬆ AMIRIGHT? I am pretty sure I was going to go insane hearing these questions. If you asked my kids, they probably would have told you that I WAS insane (Okay, they will probably tell you that I still am insane. But, I digress.) I needed a solution to the “take turns” chaos that ensues in my home every day all day at all times. This little jar was my savior. It was my breath of ‘fair’ air. It was a much needed break from trying to remember who exactly went first last time, or the time before that, or the time before that time… Good grief! I mean, it’s hard enough just making sure your kids stay alive every day. Who has time to remember who was the last one that brushed their teeth first in the downstairs bathroom (morning and evening, cause you know, it’s different)? Or who sat in the 3rd chair from the left in the second row of the van last? I mean, seriously!
All you need are popsicle sticks. Number each popsicle stick for each little one that “never gets to go first”. Throw them in a jar of any sort – and voila! Everyone takes a turn pulling a stick and your number is YOUR NUMBER in line! Throw the jar in your purse, in the car for those extra long rides or keep it in the kitchen for easy access. Take it with you wherever you go.
Phew – life can commence (until the next time the 2-year-old doesn’t get her way).
***This message brought to you by a mother close to losing her mind daily***