I saw a similar decor piece at a big box store and thought “I can totally make that way cuter and way cheaper.” So, I did!
First, gather all of your supplies. You will need twine, faux flowers (for this project I used 2 bunches of roses – 21 flowers in all) a wood rod (around 30″ long) and hot glue.Cut your twine into 5 equal length pieces. Mine were approximately 18″.Knot your twine around the wood rod. Once you have your 5 pieces equally separated over the length of the wood piece, add a bit of hot glue under each knot to keep them from sliding around.Cut your roses off at the stem using wire cutters. You want to leave the thicker part of the stem in place for attaching to the twine.Here they are all cut. So pretty!Add hot glue to the stem and wrap the twine around it. I attached each flower to the twine by “eyeballing” the equal spacing each time. You can always measure the twine strips beforehand and mark the spot for the rose with a black sharpie to ensure they sit evenly. I wasn’t too worried about it and prefer a more random look.For simple hanging hardware: Hot glue small picture hooks to the back of the rod. One on each end. It is just beautiful and will be a perfect addition to my daughter’s room. This could be added to any space, really. A wall, in front of a window or even as a headboard.
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