This post was sponsored by Floorigami. All opinions are my own.
My sunroom is one of the features that really “sold” us on our house years ago. It’s a large, multi-purpose space attached to our family room that leads out to our back deck. The room is wall-to-wall windows and doors so it’s always bright and airy; a perfect spot for an art space and recording studio. The only downside to this area is that it’s not heated. So when I’m working in the sunroom during the Ohio winters, it gets C.O.L.D cold!
Because we have a swimming pool, the floating flooring we installed about 4 years ago has not held up well to the kiddos walking in the sunroom drippy wet. And I may be a tad messy when it comes to my arts and crafts, too. The plank floor certainly doesn’t add any warmth to the room when it’s freezing outside.
That’s why when I saw these peel and stick carpet tiles from Floorigami, I knew they were just what I needed! A simple, quick solution that covers up the current eyesore flooring while adding a layer of comfy, cozy vibes. Perfect!

First, I feel it’s important to note that I installed these tiles myself in one morning! That’s with stopping to feed kids, switch over laundry, let the dogs out and all the other “mom” things I do during the day. To me, that is quite the feat!*Excuse me while I give myself a lil’ pat on the back*
Really, this is a 4 step system. Seriously! Which makes it a doable project for even the most busy mom or novice home improvement DIY’er. And the tools? Crazy easy. Just grab a pair of work gloves, a carpet knife, a tape measure, marker, metal straight edge and a piece of chalk.
Step 1: Clean, Clean, Clean!
It’s important that the original flooring is clean and dry before carpet tile installation. I vacuumed first and followed up with a stick sweeper mop sprayed with floor cleaner to ensure the floor was dirt and dust free.
Step 2: Time to use those elementary school measuring skills!
In order to space out the tiles properly, it’s necessary to find the center of the room. Now, I’m no math magician and my measuring skills are most definitely sub-par, my friends. But I found this step to actually be a whole lot easier than I expected. Measure the width of the 2 longest, straightest walls. Where the 2 lines intersect is the center of the space. Taking a piece of white chalk and a straight edge, draw a line through the center of the room using the center mark as the guide.
Step 3: Piece together the puzzle!
I found it helpful to lay out tiles, upside down, using the directional arrows printed on the back to ensure the tiles were facing the right way. I chose to follow a simple pyramid technique – 1 tile placed in the middle of the center mark, subsequent tiles placed 6″ up and 6″ down on either side of the center tile. Laying the tiles that could attach without cutting, I stopped at each wall when I could no longer fit a full tile. It seemed easier to save all the carpet cutting for last.
Step 4: Have fun!
Now it’s time for the fun part! It was so cool to see the room slowly transform as I worked my way through the design! Once you have your technique and pattern figured out, as well as a handful of your tiles laid out, peel the liner from the adhesive on the back of the tile and, making sure your arrows are still pointing in the right direction, position the carpet snuggly to the next tile and press down to adhere. No kidding – that’s it!
- To cut the smaller sizes needed to fit along the walls, I turned the tile upside-down and marked the length or width needed using the straight edge and a marker. A carpet knife made cutting a breeze and the replacement stickers that were provided in each box were extremely useful for the narrow pieces that required cutting off the attached adhesive!
- I did find that a few strokes of the vacuum once installation was complete helped lift the fibers and hide any lines that may have been showing from the tiles.
The finished result is beautiful, but what really seals the deal for me is that the carpet matches my dog. Just kidding!
Although it is pretty darn funny! But honestly, it’s awesome having the peace of mind knowing that if there’s an accident (I have 8 kids, 2 dogs, a swimming pool and have I mentioned I’m a messy crafter?) I can simply remove the tile that needs to be replaced – or deep deep scrubbed – without compromising the integrity of the rest of the carpet.
Extreme Dance Parties on ultra soft carpet may commence!
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