I love plants. I love macrame. I love plants IN macrame. But, I had no place to put these beautiful combo pieces in my home. That is, until I built this beauty. 5 pieces of wood, 2 bolts and a few pieces of scrap leather is all it took! Total price – under $10!

I started with 5 2×2 wood pieces that are about $2 a piece at Home Depot. I cut 4 of them into 5ft length to be used as the end pieces and the last piece approximately 3 ft in length for the top bar. I used my rotary tool to cut my pieces because the weather outside was crummy, but a table saw would work great. Or have them cut the pieces for you before you leave the hardware store!

It is probably easier to paint or stain at this point in the project – before you put the stand together. I tend to do things the stupid hard way, so in true-to-me form I chose to carry the whole thing, completely put together, outside to spray paint.
Once my pieces were cut and sanded lightly with a sanding block, I measured 7 inches in from the top, marked the spot, and drilled a pilot hole for the bolts.
After the bolts were run through the 2 pieces and the hex nut was tightened at each end just enough to hold the “x” shape, I determined how wide I wanted the stand to sit and matched the 2 sets in width so the stand would sit evenly. Then I finished tightening the hex nuts to the bolts until they were super tight.

I knew some of my plants that would hang on it were heavier in size, and also because I have little ones, I reinforced the top bar to each “x” end stand with wood screws to ensure the sturdiness of the piece.
As a last addition, I took some of my scrap leather pieces left over from past projects, cut them into equal sized strips and used them to accentuate the stand. I attached the leather to the front legs and the top of the posts by screwing them gently into the wood. The 2×2 wood was a bit too wide for the s-hooks I had on hand, so I used the shoestring leather pieces to tie around the top bar of the plant stand to attach the macrame hangers from.
Fun fact: bags of scrap leather can actually be purchased at the craft store. From shoe string-size pieces, some stained different shades to larger irregular shapes, the bags are actually a great value for a crafter!
I am so in love with how it turned out. Very simple style yet a great statement piece. Cute and functional – my favorite!