Using old ratty flannels and a worn pair of jeans from the closet (thanks to Marie Kondo for making me feel like a hoarder…) I created this one of a kind banner for my fall decor and the cost was practically nothing!

I started with this plain wood banner from the craft store. They typically come packaged with the twine as well. Pretty sure I bought this one clearanced, but even at full price they are fairly inexpensive.

Using a black marker, I traced the outline of the triangular banner on the inside of the flannels and jeans. Inside is important because it will hide your black lines on the finished product.

Grab that Mod Podge! Yes, there’s Mod Podge specifically for fabrics, but I’m a “use what you’ve got” sorta girl and what I had was traditional Matte Mod Podge. Plus, I was still in my PJ’s on this particular fine Saturday morning and my hair was in a not-so-pinterest-approved “messy bun” so I was avoiding a trip to the store at all costs. I mean, seriously. Who wants to get dressed and tame their mane on a Saturday if they don’t have to anyway?!

Using a foam craft brush, I applied a layer of Mod Podge to the wood, placed the cut fabric on top – black lined and cut side down – and applied another layer of Mod Podge over the fabric. Let fully dry. Using a screw driver or hammer and nail, make holes through the fabric that lines up with the preexisting holes in the wood banner.

Hang this cute banner thang with the length of twine anywhere that needs a little touch of flannel-y fall y’all!
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