I love projects that are inexpensive to make and help feed our wildlife, too.
What a perfect wreath to use on the front door in the autumn. Especially if you’re hosting a fall or Thanksgiving dinner. It would be adorable in the kitchen, too. Plus, this is a great use (other than baking) for those bruised apples you don’t want to just throw out but don’t know what the heck to do with!

Apple picking is such a fun fall family activity. But sometimes those cute little hands of those cute little people put apples in the basket that haven’t been inspected and aren’t so “cute”. Here’s a simple use for them that isn’t baking – not that there’s anything wrong with baking. My thighs and I can both assure you that we love to bake. This is just a unique and different idea. And for me, the only cost here was the apples. Everything else I had in the workshop.

Using an inexpensive metal wreath form, line the interior with fabric. I used burlap ribbon because it was already the perfect width, but any fabric would work really. (You could also skip this step totally if you are omitting the moss. The fabric adds a base for the moss to lay on.)

I used green floral wire to attach the burlap ribbon to the wreath form.

Hot glue the moss in clumps onto the fabric. It doesn’t have to be hot glued all over. Just enough to hold it in place. The apples on top will help stabilize the moss as well.

Taking heavy duty wire, push the wire straight through the apples at different angles so the apples lay imperfectly.

Once all the apples are on the wire, twist tie the wire to the back of the wreath. The reason we’re using such heavy wire, is because once it’s outside, this will ensure it stays together as long as possible.

I strategically wrapped grapevine twigs and wired burlap rope around the exposed metal wire to conceal it in the front of the wreath. I used green floral wire to hold the twigs in place.

Once the apples start to turn and bruise, take your wreath outside! Place it somewhere near a window so you can watch all the creatures enjoy it!

And make sure to save your wire wreath form once the apples are gone. You can always reuse it!
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